The CFUW Calgary North is a non-profit organization. We welcome all women (not only university graduates) interested in pursuing fellowship, education and social justice – particularly focusing on improving the current situation of women and children. Members have opportunities to be active in the Calgary local community, as well as provincially and nationally.
Why Participate?
Members Enjoy:
Input and influence in local, provincial, national and international policy on issues affecting women Fellowship with women of similar interests Participation in organized physical, artistic, social and intellectual activities (CLICK HERE for interest groups) Ongoing pursuit of knowledge Active promotion of access to education through scholarships and reading or instructional materials Presentations by speakers on subjects of importance to women Fundraising and volunteering to assist community organizations focusing on women, children and the homeless
Some accomplishments so far
Donated warm winter clothing to the homeless Prepared and provided sandwiches or meals to the homeless Provided an annual scholarship to a single parent student Donated funds for dual-language books to needy schools for immigrant students Provided support for the International Women’s Day project Contributed to the toy drive of the Women's Centre of Calgary at Christmas time Knitted pneumonia prevention vests for premature babies in Africa and India Helped with the garden for CUPS preschool homeless children
Interested in joining us and start the adventure? CLICK HERE.