We are a multi-cultural group of like-minded post-secondary educated women who get together for fun, self improvement and activities that can make a difference in our communities. Through various initiatives and with our diverse backgrounds, we strive to create a better world and a more just society.
Our Purpose and Reach
CFUW Calgary North meets the needs of our members, as well as the larger community in several ways. Through CFUW, one can participate in many activities and contribute to resolving issues such as those relating to education, health, social justice, or the environment at a local, national and International level. When you join CFUW Calgary North, you are automatically a member of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW/FCFDU) (CLICK: which is an affiliate of Graduate Women International (GWI) (CLICK:
On The Local Level -In Your Community and ProvinceWe are actively involved in lobbying our municipal or provincial governments on issues that concern us, particularly those of involving women and children.
Our Interest Groups
In our interest groups we pursue various activities ranging from enhancing personal growth, physical and social endeavours, aiding the less fortunate and expanding our own knowledge.
Much of the fellowship experienced by members takes place through participation in interest groups. Click on any of the Interest Groups below to get more information about each. Book Clubs | Bridge | Crafts | Dinner group | Dollars and Sense | Golf | Hiking | Issues/Advocacy | Jaunters | Lunch Group | Painting | Reconciliation Study Group | Scrabble | Walking | Wine Tasting. As a member of CFUW Calgary North you can start an interest group if it does not exist already. |
On the National and International levels
We lobby the Federal Government on various issues of interest to women, the environment and human rights through submission of resolutions and position papers, in accordance with our national organization.
The Canadian Federation of University Women holds an annual meeting where national issues are discussed which allows a member to have input. This results in many proactive initiatives. As an affiliate of Graduate Women International (GWI) we have a shared voice to speak to the world. In addition volunteer representatives from both CFUW and GWI provide consultation at the annual UNESCO Status of Women meetings in New York, and attend UN meetings held at other locations around the world. |
Should you be interested in joining us, please click HERE.
For Articles and Bylaws of CFUW - Calgary North please click HERE.